I’m an Indian who grew up in Saudi Arabia, a purely Muslim country which does not allow the construction of churches or any other places of worship other than mosques. Even Bibles and Christian Books are not allowed into the country. I still remember when I was 4 years old and came to India for vacation, seeing the cross with Jesus, I asked my cousin, “ Who is this man and why is he hanging over there?”. In spite of all this, I got my first Bible from a Muslim man when I was 11 years old. I got the King James Version which I still have with me. At that time, the man told me that this Bible will change the way I look at this world. I never totally understood the impact of what he told me at that time. But now after 11 years, I understood what he meant. Though I got the Bible when I was 11, I started reading it sincerely only 2 years later. That was the start of the most amazing part of my life. God has blessed me immensely and has done wonders to my life. On 21st October 2007, I was anointed by the Holy Spirit in my College Chapel in Chennai, India. It has been three years not life is fantastic. Not only have I been transformed but through the Bible I’ve been transforming the lives of my friends, relatives and family.
In this blog I’ll be posting some of my revelations from the Bible, about how to get close to God, getting rid of temptations and following a righteous life . Feel free to ask questions and I’ll answer to the best of my ability.
God bless everyone.