Monday, December 5, 2011

Wisdom from the Bible.

I always insist people that they read the Bible regularly because it is through the Bible that my perspective of life changed and the way I was living changed. You get wisdom through the word of God. When I had been reading the Bible consistently for 3 to 4 years, I developed some habits and ways of thinking and living which helped me face many challenges and grown in each and every area of my life. Then later when I finished college and started reading many books by Robin Sharma and Stephen R Covey, I realized that many of the qualities and the way of thinking that they insisted that people should have I had already had them as these were things that I had already started doing ever since I started reading the Bible. In short, your life is transformed through the Bible. When I was 12 years old, the Uncle who gave me the Bible told me that once I finish reading the Bible I will start seeing the world in a completely different way, i realized what he meant when I was 20 years old.
Thanks be to God. God Bless you all.